Revamp Your Home’s Curb Appeal with These Exterior Home Cleaning Tips | Calgary

“Do-it-Yourself” help

beautiful home with a lovely exterior

LAST UPDATED: April 2023.

People usually focus most of their attention on the home’s interior when they want to improve the appearance of their house. But the exterior is just as important and should never be neglected. Although updating it would significantly add to your home’s value, just cleaning it improves things a lot. A clean exterior can make a world of difference. The exterior of your home is the first thing people see, so it’s important to keep it shiny and tidy. However, cleaning the exterior can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. Here are some tips to help you revamp your home’s curb appeal.

Give your roof a spotless look with a bleach and water solution

The roof is visible and prone to color change due to algae and mildew buildup. The first thing to remember here, which applies to cleaning the gutters, is to be careful how you use the ladder. If you are unsure how you will feel when standing that high, it might be better to turn to the pros to handle it. Should you choose the DIY approach, know that pressure washers can damage the shingles and are not the best for cleaning this part of your home. The most effective way is to apply a solution of equal amounts of bleach and water. It will take about 20 minutes to do its magic, after which you should simply wash it off. That will get your roof to look all clean and new.

If there are solar panels up there, you’ll need to treat them as delicate glassy items. The safest approach is to use only mild soap and water, followed by a soft rag. Biodegradable soaps should be your top choice here.

Clean your gutters in Calgary

Not only do clogged gutters look bad, but they can create many problems for you. The water in such gutters isn’t being appropriately directed and can end up sliding down the siding or even finding its way into the basement or the attic. Some companies can give you a hand with this problem, so you can rest assured your gutters are doing their job. By cleaning them regularly, you will let them reach their design lifespan and avoid the dangerous situation of having water in your home where it’s not supposed to be.

If you want to do it by yourself, please read our Gutter Cleaning Guide first.

Give your home’s siding a good shower

If the roof is your home’s hairstyle, the siding is its face. Most people will pay most of their attention to this part of your home when observing your house in Calgary. Unlike the roof, pressure washing is perfect for this area and will not damage it. Just make sure you remove all easily detachable items so they wouldn’t go flying accidentally, such as flower pots or whatever you might have put on the window sill. As for the windows, to be spotless and shiny, they require glass cleaners and lint-free clothes for a streak-free finish, OR just hire professional window cleaners 🙂

Freshen up your driveway

The driveway can be filthy and unattractive, but it’s nothing a good old dishwashing detergent can’t fix. Apply this degreasing solution and rub the stains with it. You should let it stay there for an hour or so before washing it off with a pressure washer. Some stains can be more stubborn, so you might need to repeat the process several times. The greasy ones will react the best to this solution, and as for the others, it would be a good idea to consult the professionals on the best way to remove them.

Remove all the clutter from your yard

No cleaning will be enough if your yard is full of clutter you don’t need, but keep it there. If you want to revamp your home’s curb appeal, you must eliminate that. The junk will end up in a dumpster. As for the still valuable items, you can donate, sell, or give them to someone. Alternatively, you can still keep them, but in that case, consider putting them in a storage unit. As Phillips Moving and Storage experts advise their clients, putting all things from your yard in a storage unit is an excellent idea for several reasons. That way, you have it all in one place, and your yard looks beautiful and is safer. In any case, the clutter must go one way or the other.

Clean the plastic outdoor furniture as well

Your plastic outdoor furniture needs some attention as well. Regularly cleaning it is the best way to ensure it lasts longer. Here are a few things you can do to clean your outdoor plastic furniture effectively:

● As crazy as it may sound, apply foam shaving cream to the furniture and let it sit there for five minutes.
● Use a sponge to remove the dirt from the furniture.
● Wash it all off with a hose.
● Liquid car wax is excellent for outdoor furniture made of wood, metal, or plastic, as it protects it from substances that cause erosion (such as bird droppings). Avoid the areas that come in contact with the skin, though.

Remove dead plants, leaves, and weeds

Dead plants, leaves, and weeds look bad and should be removed regularly. If you do this work on time, you’ll prevent many issues with your home and avoid costly damage. For example, you will save money on gutter cleaning because it will be clogged less often. Weeding is necessary as these unwanted plants compete for water, sunshine, and nutrients with the ones you have planted. If you neglect this tedious job, you can have an ugly collection of weeds instead of a beautiful flower bed you worked on. As for the leaves, apart from clogging the gutters, they can cause your lawn to stagnate as, because of them, the grass can be away from the sunlight it needs.

So, to revamp your home’s curb appeal without investing too much, you only need to clean it properly. Just make sure you clean each surface of your home’s exterior following the material it’s made of. If you do this regularly, not only will your home always look good, but you will also prevent some annoying future problems.

Basically, you need to:

We can help you with most of the exterior cleaning:

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free gutter window cleaning quote calgary

Why choose ‘Gutter Cleaning on a Budget’ for your eavestrough and other exterior cleaning needs?

A small but dedicated family business. We are in the TOP THREE gutter cleaning companies in our beautiful city, and #1 by volume of eavestrough cleaning jobs in Calgary. Thank you, YYC. We’ve been working hard to achieve and sustain this status. Our spotless reputation is backed up by the CLOG-FREE & NO STREAKS guarantee. Your satisfaction is our priority. We guarantee that your gutters, eavestroughs, and downspouts will have no clogs after our appointment. We guarantee that your windows will have no streaks.

Wonder if you can trust us?
Over the years, we helped CEOs, doctors, lawyers, politicians, engineers, IT-specialists, tradesmen, and even some local celebrities. We helped single moms, retirees, landlords, tenants, new homeowners, and a lot of other people who are not comfortable with heights or don’t have enough knowledge of the rain gutter system. That means you won’t be among the first thousand customers who trusted us, but we are very happy to work for you anyway 🙂

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